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Mass Care

Aid for the Displaced

Government agencies are responsible for a wide range of humanitarian activities that provide life-sustaining support to individuals and families who are temporarily displaced. This is “Mass Care”.

Any disaster can cause the displacement of people and their ability to provide for their own basic needs. Governmental agencies at all levels (cities, counties, states and federal) will need to provide for displaced families following a disaster. This includes sheltering, feeding, distribution of emergency supplies and reunification of family members.

Emergency Management And Response

A basic premise of Emergency Management is that disaster response begins and ends at the community level. Life sustaining services must be provided quickly to prevent additional suffering and loss of life. The EVCNB is a partner organization to local governments with a role of providing preparedness education to the community. Members of EVCNB are prepared to assist local governments with Mass Care planning and implementation.

The EVCNB’s role may expand after any disaster to have volunteer personnel fill in the gaps where designated government officials are unable to perform all their assigned duties due to an overwhelming need and limited staffing. Members of the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) and Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) may be activated by Tillamook Emergency Management, the county Health Department and local agencies to respond to a variety of emergencies including pandemic contact tracing, vaccine clinics and tornado response efforts. Ham Radio operators may be called on to assist with Emergency Communications needs.

When individuals, households, and neighborhoods are adequately prepared, response can be directed to the needs of those displaced by an emergency.

EVCNB’s Mass Care team brings together our volunteers with cities, county and other agencies to help plan and deliver lifesustaining support after disaster strikes. We are planners at heart, applying our knowledge of Nehalem Bay geography, responders, and resources to provide the most effective care for the greatest number. We think about things like helping our local governments to provide shelter, water, food, sanitation and hygiene for people displaced by a disaster. Please join us!