Events + Trainings
All scheduled public Events + Training classes are listed here. If you would like to include your EVCNB class, Preparedness Drill, or Cluster meeting, click the button below.

TC4 Meeting - Tillamook County Citizens Corps Council
Tillamook County Citizens Corps Council (TC4)
1: Vision - Prepared and resilient communities across Tillamook County.
2: Mission (Purpose) - To advocate for, promote, and facilitate emergency preparedness and community resilience across Tillamook County.
Attend via zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 5488 4961

CERT Training
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during CERT exercises, members can assist their community or workplace following an emergency event when professional responders are not immediately available to help.
Click HERE to read an article from the Tillamook Headlight Herald about how a CERT trained resource used the skills they learned becoming a CERT to help save a co-workers life. The skills you will learn can save lives.
Here’s a quote from the CERT that was at the event:
There was a medical incident at my place of work, and my coworkers and I needed to offer lifesaving assistance to a coworker. I was able to perform CPR on my coworker until help arrived and assisted with using our in-office AED. Our efforts, along with the amazing first responders and ER doctors, ended up saving our coworker and he is still a coworker today.
I am absolutely positive that my recent training with CERT assisted me in those moments. I was able to remain calm, realize that I had tools to help my coworker, and ultimately helped save his life, likely because of your training and CERT. Thank you so much for offering this program to the public. You already know it saves lives, but I wanted to let you know that it specifically helped me save a life of a father, son, and husband.
The course is FREE (you will need to pay for your own CERT kit $100.00, which we will order) and you will receive a CERT manual.
This the basic CERT class. It requires completion of the online course (approximately 12 hours, but it is at your own pace), 4 evenings of hands-on practice and a final scenario response.
This is the complete CERT training- You are signing up to attend ALL 4 of the following meetings:
April 3, 6-8 PM at Bay City Fire Department Station 41, 9390 4th St, Bay City, OR 97107
April 10, 6-8 PM at Bay City Fire Department Station 41, 9390 4th St, Bay City, OR 97107
April 17, 6-8 PM at Bay City Fire Department Station 41, 9390 4th St, Bay City, OR 97107
April 25, 6-8 PM at Bay City Fire Department Station 41, 9390 4th St, Bay City, OR 97107
* Click here for the CERT Checklist covering the practical portion of your training
Don't know what CERT is! Check out this video!
If you have any questions, please contact Jo Cooper at
Thank you!

GoBag Pop-Up Shop
Hello! This is the place to reserve your EVCNB GoBag and supplies for pick-up at the GoBag Pop-Up Shop. You can also pre-order accessories and replacement items for your GoBag! Click the “Order Now” button to see the products available for pre-order.
The shop is at the Manzanita Police Station South Bay (165 5th Street South, Manzanita, Oregon, 97130). Please park in the parking lot across from the station.
You can pay by credit card when you place your order.
If there are any questions, contact

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WaSH) Training
Sign up for this in-person, 2 and 1/2 hour class held at the Nehalem Bay Fire station meeting hall on HWY 101.
Emergency situations happen in our coastal region – power outages, flooding, storms, wild fires, and possibly an earthquake/tsunami. How will you obtain safe water for drinking, cooking, and washing and dispose of human waste during these times?
EVCNB offers a comprehensive class covering water, sanitation and hygiene, in which you will obtain the know-how and equipment to get your household prepared to properly manage your WaSH needs.
You are registering for the class being held on April 26, 2025 (Saturday), 10:00 am - 12:30pm.
To register, click the “ADD TO CART” button below for the option you want. After clicking the ADD TO CART button, you may need to scroll up to see the shopping cart in the upper right. Click on the cart to complete your order. You will receive a confirmation email. If you’re having issues checking out, or don’t receive a confirmation email, please send a message to
In addition to the 2 1/2 hour class and laminated instruction sheets, attendees can opt to purchase the water filtration equipment or to purchase the full suite of WaSH equipment (water filtration system, Pee/Poo system and hand-washing system). Select your option below.
A $10 non-refundable registration fee will be charged. This fee covers up to two members of your household. If EVCNB cancels the class, your fee will be refunded.

Emergency Shelter and Warming Center Exercise
Upcoming EVCNB Emergency Shelter and Warming Center Exercise
You are invited to come, participate, and/or observe the full scale Community Shelter & Emergency Warming Center Exercise. The exercise will include multiple goals for processes that are integral for Shelter Operations, including the Medical Reserve Corps for injury/health care.
This is an exercise in which your family, friends and neighbors, as volunteers in our community, will exercise processes for setting up and running a shelter when needed in an emergency or disaster. Shelters are part of the county Emergency Operations Plan.
There will be several drawings for “GoBag” items; and one of the prizes will be a fully stocked “GoBag.”
The Shelter exercise will be in operations with Registration, Communications, Feeding, Dormitory, and Medical functions being exercised.
There will also be an Open house with guided tours, orientation to the new Medical Reserve Corps Response Trailer, and display tables with emergency Preparedness information.
Please carpool if possible. There will be the option to drop off, but parking will be limited close by. Street parking is available on 7th street along the pickle ball court, and on the 700 block of H Street in Nehalem.
Click HERE to view the Mission Statement for Shelter and Emergency Warming Centers

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WaSH) Training
Sign up for this in-person, 2 and 1/2 hour class held at the Nehalem Bay Fire station meeting hall on HWY 101.
Emergency situations happen in our coastal region – power outages, flooding, storms, wild fires, and possibly an earthquake/tsunami. How will you obtain safe water for drinking, cooking, and washing and dispose of human waste during these times?
EVCNB offers a comprehensive class covering water, sanitation and hygiene, in which you will obtain the know-how and equipment to get your household prepared to properly manage your WaSH needs.
You are registering for the class being held on February 22, 2025 (Saturday), 10:00 am - 12:30pm.
To register, click the “ADD TO CART” button below for the option you want. After clicking the ADD TO CART button, you may need to scroll up to see the shopping cart in the upper right. Click on the cart to complete your order. You will receive a confirmation email. If you’re having issues checking out, or don’t receive a confirmation email, please send a message to
In addition to the 2 1/2 hour class and laminated instruction sheets, attendees can opt to purchase the water filtration equipment or to purchase the full suite of WaSH equipment (water filtration system, Pee/Poo system and hand-washing system). Select your option below.
A $10 non-refundable registration fee will be charged. This fee covers up to two members of your household. If EVCNB cancels the class, your fee will be refunded.

Yellow Radio Class CLOSED!
The class covers everything from the basics of how to operate the Yellow Radio to how to communicate effectively and responsibly during an emergency.
You will be required to use a computer/laptop to access Zoom
If you do not own a Radio, you may purchase it when you register for the class. Radios will be delivered to your Nehalem Bay home the week of the class.
The radios are programmed for emergency communication within the Nehalem Bay Region.
If you do not own a Radio, you may purchase it when you register for the class. Radios will be delivered to your Nehalem Bay home the week of the class.
You must be present within the Nehalem Bay Region to take the class.
If you have questions, contact

Shelter & Emergency Warming Center Team Meeting
The NBMRC Shelter Leadership, Shelter Volunteers and Support meeting is open to the Public. ALL shelter volunteers and the public interested in NBMRC are encouraged to attend.
Join Zoom Meeting

GoBag & WaSH Pop-Up Shop CLOSED!
Hello! This is the place to reserve your EVCNB GoBag or WaSH supplies for pick-up at the GoBag and WaSH Pop-Up Shop. You can also pre-order accessories and replacement items for your GoBag! Click the “Order Now” button to see the products available for pre-order.
The shop is at the Manzanita Police Station South Bay (165 5th Street South, Manzanita, Oregon, 97130). Please park in the parking lot across from the station.
You can pay by credit card when you place your order.
If there are any questions, contact or

Crisis & Emergency Risk Communication Training
Get ready to learn how to effectively communicate during crises and emergencies at the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication Training hosted by Clapsop County.
This in-person two day training will:
Help you learn how to effectively communicate during emergencies and crises, and update your current skillset.
Provide you with peer to peer learning, practical tools, strategies and a network of support to help you navigate challenging communication scenarios.
Include topics ranging from building a foundational understanding of CERC and sources of confusion, to providing up to date tips for working with the media, social media and AI.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your communication game!

MRC Team Meeting
Emergency Shelter Exercise - MRC Subcommittee Mtg
The NBMRC (Nehalem Bay Medical Reserve Corps) Team meeting.
This meeting is open to the Public. ALL MRC volunteers and the public interested in NBMRC are encouraged to attend.
To attend via zoom:
Contact for more information.

TC4 Meeting - Tillamook County Citizens Corps Council
Tillamook County Citizens Corps Council (TC4)
1: Vision - Prepared and resilient communities across Tillamook County.
2: Mission (Purpose) - To advocate for, promote, and facilitate emergency preparedness and community resilience across Tillamook County.
Attend via zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 5488 4961

MRC and CERT Annual Education-HIPAA and Bloodborne Pathogens
This meeting is Annual Education for EVCNB MRC & CERT Volunteers. CERT will do HIPAA and Bloodborne Pathogens update; MRC will do those two trainings plus additional required training topics.
All MRCs and CERTs are encouraged to attend.
Please register below, there are a limited number of seats.
Contact for more information.

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WaSH) Training - REGISTRATION CLOSED!
Sign up for this in-person, 2 and 1/2 hour class held at the Nehalem Bay Fire station meeting hall on HWY 101.
Emergency situations happen in our coastal region – power outages, flooding, storms, wild fires, and possibly an earthquake/tsunami. How will you obtain safe water for drinking, cooking, and washing and dispose of human waste during these times?
EVCNB offers a comprehensive class covering water, sanitation and hygiene, in which you will obtain the know-how and equipment to get your household prepared to properly manage your WaSH needs.
You are registering for the class being held on February 22, 2025 (Saturday), 10:00 am - 12:30pm.
To register, click the “ADD TO CART” button below for the option you want. After clicking the ADD TO CART button, you may need to scroll up to see the shopping cart in the upper right. Click on the cart to complete your order. You will receive a confirmation email. If you’re having issues checking out, or don’t receive a confirmation email, please send a message to

Oregon State University Presents Disaster Related Study Results
Oregon State University and the Emergency Volunteer Corps of Nehalem Bay invite you to join us for a presentation sharing the results of a disaster related study coordinated by OSU engineering staff.
The study identified local individual response times following a tsunami threat to our coastline. Data collected included ways we leave our homes, emergency kits, items vital to survive, spatial awareness of conditions, and the time necessary to depart one’s home.
We are certain that the resulting data will be a benefit to individuals and local government officials for future disaster planning.
OSU offered two $100 prizes as incentives to participate in this study. The prize drawing will be held after the OSU presentation on February 12.
Sponsored by Pine Grove Community House

Lower Neahkahnie Cluster Meeting
General Cluster Meeting
This is an in-person meeting and on Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 889 8439 9993

Emergency Food Cooking Contest! SOLD OUT!
Mark your calendar to join us for a cooking contest with a twist!
The Emergency Volunteer Corps of Nehalem Bay Emergency Food Program and Pine Grove Community House are sponsoring a unique COOKING CONTEST for the second year in a row!
Click HERE, to see pictures, radio pod cast and video from last year’s SOLD OUT contest.
Join the fun to see which of these contestants—
Mark Kuestner of Manzanita, Kim Koch, Wheeler/Heart of Cartm and India Downes-Le Guin, Pine Ridge/Hoffman Center
can prepare the most delicious, creative, and appealing dishes using ONLY shelf stable foods. They will NOT be allowed to use any water or heat source! Watch the cooks whip up plates of food to serve the judges with only 20 minutes to prepare a main course and another 20 minutes to make a dessert. Narrators will give a play-by-play if you’d like to take notes so you, too, can create hearty meals in an emergency situation.
Frank Squillo, from Wanda’s, Eric Kammerer from Yolk and last years contest winner, Christopher Mullins. will judge the contestants’ food and crown one of them
Join us for an entertaining evening and get your own creative juices flowing with ideas for ways to prep food for your family in the case of an emergency.
Soft drinks and snacks will be served.
Monday, February 3, 2025
Pine Grove Community House, Manzanita
5:00 PM 7:00 PM
Please register below so we make sure to have enough drinks and snacks.
We are asking for a $5 registration fee.
When you register, please choose whether to pay in advance or at the event.
Don’t forget to bring some extra cash to the event, contestants’ creations will be auctioned off to the highest bidder!

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WaSH) Training - CLOSED
Sign up for this in-person, 2 and 1/2 hour class held at the Nehalem Bay Fire station meeting hall on HWY 101.
Emergency situations happen in our coastal region – power outages, flooding, storms, wild fires, and possibly an earthquake/tsunami. How will you obtain safe water for drinking, cooking, and washing and dispose of human waste during these times?
EVCNB offers a comprehensive class covering water, sanitation and hygiene, in which you will obtain the know-how and equipment to get your household prepared to properly manage your WaSH needs.
You are registering for the class being held on January 25, 2025 (Saturday), 10:00 am - 12:30pm.
To register, click the “ADD TO CART” button below for the option you want. After clicking the ADD TO CART button, you may need to scroll up to see the shopping cart in the upper right. Click on the cart to complete your order. You will receive a confirmation email. If you’re having issues checking out, or don’t receive a confirmation email, please send a message to

TC4 Meeting - Tillamook County Citizens Corps Council
Tillamook County Citizens Corps Council (TC4)
1: Vision - Prepared and resilient communities across Tillamook County.
2: Mission (Purpose) - To advocate for, promote, and facilitate emergency preparedness and community resilience across Tillamook County.
Attend via zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 5488 4961

GoBag Pop-Up Shop CLOSED!
GoBag Pop-Up Shop is closed!
Hello! This is the place to reserve your EVCNB GoBag and supplies for pick-up at the GoBag Pop-Up Shop. You can also pre-order accessories and replacement items for your GoBag! Click the “Order Now” button to see the products available for pre-order.
The shop is at the Manzanita Police Station South Bay (165 5th Street South, Manzanita, Oregon, 97130). Please park in the parking lot across from the station.
You can pay by credit card when you place your order.
If there are any questions, contact or

Canceled - TC4 Meeting - Tillamook County Citizens Corps Council
Canceled - Next meeting January 23, 2025
Tillamook County Citizens Corps Council (TC4)
1: Vision - Prepared and resilient communities across Tillamook County.
2: Mission (Purpose) - To advocate for, promote, and facilitate emergency preparedness and community resilience across Tillamook County.

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WaSH) Training REGISTRATION CLOSED!
Sign up for this in-person, 2 and 1/2 hour class held at the Nehalem Bay Fire station meeting hall on HWY 101.
Emergency situations happen in our coastal region – power outages, flooding, storms, wild fires, and possibly an earthquake/tsunami. How will you obtain safe water for drinking, cooking, and washing and dispose of human waste during these times?
EVCNB offers a comprehensive class covering water, sanitation and hygiene, in which you will obtain the know-how and equipment to get your household prepared to properly manage your WaSH needs.
You are registering for the class being held on November 23 (Saturday), 10:00 am - 12:30pm.
To register, click the “ADD TO CART” button below for the option you want. After clicking the ADD TO CART button, you may need to scroll up to see the shopping cart in the upper right. Click on the cart to complete your order. You will receive a confirmation email. If you’re having issues checking out, or don’t receive a confirmation email, please send a message to

MRC Team Meeting
The NBMRC (Nehalem Bay Medical Reserve Corps) Team meeting.
This meeting is open to the Public. ALL MRC volunteers and the public interested in NBMRC are encouraged to attend.
To attend via zoom:
Contact for more information.

TC4 Meeting - Tillamook County Citizens Corps Council
Tillamook County Citizens Corps Council (TC4)
1: Vision - Prepared and resilient communities across Tillamook County.
2: Mission (Purpose) - To advocate for, promote, and facilitate emergency preparedness and community resilience across Tillamook County.
Attend via zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 5488 4961

EVCNB Ham Meeting
Local Ham radio operators are invited to attend the EVCNB Ham meeting. Each month we share tips and best practices and have training to improve our skills.
Join in Person at NBFRD Station 13 or via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 814 8934 4249
Contact for any questions.

Shelter & Emergency Warming Center Team Meeting
Our mission is to be a force multiplier and surge support to governmental entities responsible for sheltering. We have identified and partnered with owners of facilities for pre planned, short term, safe locations for people to gather or be, when they are unable to return to their residence or destination due to an emergent situation such as a flood, landslide, power outage, snowstorm, etc.
Goals include: A temporary safe location, snacks, beverages, communication, blankets, cots, overnight dormitory, limited medical supplies and other resource support as available.
Open to Public with encouragement to attend
Join via zoom:
Meeting ID: 853 0616 1140

GoBag Pop-Up Shop CLOSED!
The GoBag Pop-Up Shop is Closed!
Hello! This is the place to reserve your EVCNB GoBag and supplies for pick-up at the GoBag Pop-Up Shop. You can also pre-order accessories and replacement items for your GoBag! Click the “Order Now” button to see the products available for pre-order.
The shop is at the Manzanita Police Station South Bay (165 5th Street South, Manzanita, Oregon, 97130). Please park in the parking lot across from the station.
You can pay by credit card when you place your order.
If there are any questions, contact or

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WaSH) Training REGISTRATION CLOSED!
Sign up for this in-person, 2 and 1/2 hour class held at the Nehalem Bay Fire station meeting hall on HWY 101.
Emergency situations happen in our coastal region – power outages, flooding, storms, wild fires, and possibly an earthquake/tsunami. How will you obtain safe water for drinking, cooking, and washing and dispose of human waste during these times?
EVCNB offers a comprehensive class covering water, sanitation and hygiene, in which you will obtain the know-how and equipment to get your household prepared to properly manage your WaSH needs.
You are registering for the class being held on October 26 (Saturday), 10:00 am - 12:30pm.
To register, click the “ADD TO CART” button below for the option you want. After clicking the ADD TO CART button, you may need to scroll up to see the shopping cart in the upper right. Click on the cart to complete your order. You will receive a confirmation email. If you’re having issues checking out, or don’t receive a confirmation email, please send a message to

TC4 Meeting - Tillamook County Citizens Corps Council
Tillamook County Citizens Corps Council (TC4)
1: Vision - Prepared and resilient communities across Tillamook County.
2: Mission (Purpose) - To advocate for, promote, and facilitate emergency preparedness and community resilience across Tillamook County.
Attend via zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 5488 4961

Bonnie Henderson Author of The Next Tsunami:Living on a Restless Coast, and Strand: Odyssey of Pacific Ocean Debris
EVCNB will participate in partnership with the Nehalem Valley Historic Society. Please come by to get more information about EVCNB. We will have a table with materials and an EVCNB representative you can chat with.

Shelter/Emergency Warming Center Leadership and Volunteer Meeting
The NBMRC Shelter Leadership, Shelter Volunteers and Support meeting is open to the Public. ALL shelter volunteers and the public interested in NBMRC are encouraged to attend.
Join Zoom Meeting
Contact for more information.

Great Oregon ShakeOut
2024 GREAT SHAKEOUT EXERCISE on Thursday October 17
10:17 AM
Scroll down to see Nehalem Bay details.
It's that special day of the year when we all “Drop, Cover, and Hold on”! It's the Great ShakeOut!
This is a Worldwide, National, State, County and Local Awareness and Exercise Event!!
Join millions of people worldwide who will “Drop, Cover, and Hold On.”
Participating is a great way for your family or organization to become better prepared to survive and recover more quickly from big earthquakes.
The Great ShakeOut serves as a stark reminder that preparedness is not an option, but a necessity.
Practice Saves Lives: The main objective of the Great ShakeOut is to practice what to do when an earthquake hits. Regular drills help individuals and communities develop muscle memory for responding effectively.
Raise Awareness: This event raises awareness about earthquake risks and the importance of being prepared. It encourages individuals, schools, businesses, and organizations to take action.
Community Resilience: A well-prepared community can better withstand the impact of an earthquake. The Great ShakeOut fosters a sense of collective responsibility to ensure that neighborhoods are ready to respond and recover.
Details for the Nehalem Bay area:
Participating Clusters:
Manzanita Beach
North Fork
Ridge Rats
The Cottages
Assembly Areas:
Underhill Plaza
Fire Station 13
Nehalem City Park
Wheeler Upper Park
EVCNB GSO 2024 Timeline
10/16 Wednesday
10:00 am - EVCNB sends out a text notice advising folks to set an alarm to listen to KQMI at 10:17 on 10/17.
10/17 Thursday
10:17am - KQMI announces the start of the earthquake in their broadcast. (In a real earthquake, the shaking is your warning.) The announcer reminds listeners “This is the Great ShakeOut exercise. An earthquake has started. Get outside if you can. If not, Drop, Cover, and Hold on until shaking stops. In a real Cascadia event, shaking could last longer than 5 minutes. For this exercise, we will speed things up.” KQMI will give information about what to expect with instructions on what to do in case of such a real emergency.
When KQMI is done the announcer tells everyone, “The shaking has stopped. Grab your GoBag and Yellow Radio and go to your safe place, either a Neighborhood Gathering Site or Assembly Area. Tune your YR to your Zone Channel and check-in. This is an exercise.” People in participating Clusters are to grab their GoBags and YR and go to your Neighborhood Gathering Sites. Other listeners should go to a designated Assembly Area.
Meanwhile, at each safe location, the YR Lead person keeps a tally of arriving people on the Evacuation Location Report form.
ZNCs and Ham Net Controls start their nets and take check-ins.
10:30am - The Zone Net Controls (ZNCs) announce that the initial tsunami waves have arrived. (“This is the Great ShakeOut exercise. It has been 12 minutes since the shaking stopped. The initial tsunami waves have started to arrive. We hope you have arrived at your safe location. This is an exercise.”)
10:30-11:15am - ZNCs ask for YR Leads to send their Evacuation Report Forms to their Zone Ham.
10:30 - 11:30am - Zone Hams pass their evacuation report forms to NKNRPT Net Control.
11:30am - NKNRPT Net Control switches to HEBO22 (channel 001), checks-in and passes a report summary to the Tillamook EOC. The reports are also delivered via Winlink radio email to the TC Emergency Manager.
12:00pm - Exercise ends.

GoBag Pop-Up Shop CLOSED!
GoBag Pop-Up Shop CLOSED!
Hello! This is the place to reserve your EVCNB GoBag and supplies for pick-up at the GoBag Pop-Up Shop. You can also pre-order accessories and replacement items for your GoBag! Click the “Order Now” button to see the products available for pre-order.
The shop is at the Manzanita Police Station South Bay (165 5th Street South, Manzanita, Oregon, 97130). Please park in the parking lot across from the station.
You can pay by credit card when you place your order.
If there are any questions, contact or

Nehalem Bay Fire Rescue Open House
Join us as we partner with the Nehalem Bay Fire & Rescue team for an open house at Station 13 in Nehalem on Saturday 10/14, 10AM-3PM for a day of fun and learning!

The class covers everything from the basics of how to operate the Yellow Radio to how to communicate effectively and responsibly during an emergency.
You will be required to use a computer/laptop to access Zoom
If you do not own a Radio, you may purchase it when you register for the class. Radios will be delivered to your Nehalem Bay home the week of the class.
The radios are programmed for emergency communication within the Nehalem Bay Region.
You must be present within the Nehalem Bay Region to take the class.
If you have questions, contact

Stop the Bleed
Stop the Bleed
For MRC and CERTS volunteers: gain the ability to recognize life-threatening bleeding and act quickly and effectively to control bleeding once you learn three quick techniques
Contact for more information.