Events + Trainings
All scheduled public Events + Training classes are listed here. If you would like to include your EVCNB class, Preparedness Drill, or Cluster meeting, click the button below.

EVCNB Ham Meeting
Local Ham radio operators are invited to attend the EVCNB Ham meeting. Each month we share tips and best practices and have training to improve our skills.
Join in Person at NBFRD Station 13 or via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 814 8934 4249
Contact for any questions.

EVCNB Ham Meeting
Local Ham radio operators are invited to attend the EVCNB Ham meeting. Each month we share tips and best practices and have training to improve our skills.
Join in Person at NBFRD Station 13 or via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 814 8934 4249
Contact for any questions.

EVCNB Ham Meeting
Local Ham radio operators are invited to attend the EVCNB Ham meeting. Each month we share tips and best practices and have training to improve our skills.
Join in Person at NBFRD Station 13 or via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 814 8934 4249
Contact for any questions.

EVCNB Ham Meeting
Local Ham radio operators are invited to attend the EVCNB Ham meeting. Each month we share tips and best practices and have training to improve our skills.
Join in Person at NBFRD Station 13 or via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 814 8934 4249
Contact for any questions.

EVCNB Ham Meeting
Local Ham radio operators are invited to attend the EVCNB Ham meeting. Each month we share tips and best practices and have training to improve our skills.
Join in Person at NBFRD Station 13
Contact for any questions.

Ham Technician Class
EVCNB is happy to announce the dates for the next Ham Radio Technician
class. The class is scheduled over two sessions: Friday, February 16
from 6:30pm-8:30pm and Saturday, February 17 from 8:30am-4:30pm. This
is an online Zoom class so you can take it from the comfort of your
own home. The class uses a fast-paced “cram” style format.
The FCC license exam session is also online and is scheduled
individually after the class. While there is no charge for the class
sessions, there is a $15 fee for the exam session and a $35 fee to the
FCC. We will provide details during the class. The success rate for
the exam is over 90%.
To increase the likelihood of your success, 6-10 hours of pre-class
study is recommended - watching some YouTube videos and some
background reading. There is also an optional companion study guide
book. Once registered you'll get an email with the suggested online
links and study material.
Sign up at
Questions? Email
Thanks from the instructors!
-John K7TY, Bill WB7OZ, Bruce N5GB

NWS Skywarn Weather Spotter Training
For this month's Ham meeting, we are redirecting you to the upcoming Skywarn Weather Spotter training on Thursday, 1/25 at 7-9pm.
This training is sponsored by the Multnomah County ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services) group and the Portland office of the National Weather Service. The training is offered for all interested parties, not just ham radio operators.
It is an online class with plenty of capacity. Learn how to help our community and the NWS by reporting severe weather conditions. Reports made by spotters provide visual confirmation of potentially hazardous weather and aid forecasters in issuing warnings and storm reports.
Register at

Hamster Club Meeting
Local Ham radio operators are invited to attend the Nehalem Bay Hamsters club meeting. Each month we share tips and best practices and have training to improve our skills. Join in Person at NBFRD Station 13 or via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 894 5072 6596
Contact for any questions.