Events + Trainings

All scheduled public Events + Training classes are listed here. If you would like to include your EVCNB class, Preparedness Drill, or Cluster meeting, click the button below.

Filtering by: “MRC”
Emergency Shelter and Warming Center Exercise

Emergency Shelter and Warming Center Exercise

Upcoming EVCNB Emergency Shelter and Warming Center Exercise

You are invited to come, participate, and/or observe the full scale Community Shelter & Emergency Warming Center Exercise. The exercise will include multiple goals for processes that are integral for Shelter Operations, including the Medical Reserve Corps for injury/health care.

This is an exercise in which your family, friends and neighbors, as volunteers in our community, will exercise processes for setting up and running a shelter when needed in an emergency or disaster. Shelters are part of the county Emergency Operations Plan.

There will be several drawings for “GoBag” items; and one of the prizes will be a fully stocked “GoBag.”

The Shelter exercise will be in operations with Registration, Communications, Feeding, Dormitory, and Medical functions being exercised.

There will also be an Open house with guided tours, orientation to the new Medical Reserve Corps Response Trailer, and display tables with emergency Preparedness information.


Please carpool if possible. There will be the option to drop off, but parking will be limited close by. Street parking is available on 7th street along the pickle ball court, and on the 700 block of H Street in Nehalem. 

Click HERE to view the Mission Statement for Shelter and Emergency Warming Centers

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MRC and CERT Annual Education-HIPAA and Bloodborne Pathogens

MRC and CERT Annual Education-HIPAA and Bloodborne Pathogens

This meeting is Annual Education for EVCNB MRC & CERT Volunteers. CERT will do HIPAA and Bloodborne Pathogens update; MRC will do those two trainings plus additional required training topics.

All MRCs and CERTs are encouraged to attend.

Please register below, there are a limited number of seats.

Contact for more information.

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MRC Team Meeting

MRC Team Meeting

The NBMRC (Nehalem Bay Medical Reserve Corps) Team meeting.

This meeting is open to the Public. ALL MRC volunteers and the public interested in NBMRC are encouraged to attend.

To attend via zoom:

Contact for more information.

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Shelter & Emergency Warming Center Team Meeting

Shelter & Emergency Warming Center Team Meeting

Our mission is to be a force multiplier and surge support to governmental entities responsible for sheltering. We have identified and partnered with owners of facilities for pre planned, short term, safe locations for people to gather or be, when they are unable to return to their residence or destination due to an emergent situation such as a flood, landslide, power outage, snowstorm, etc.

Goals include: A temporary safe location, snacks, beverages, communication, blankets, cots, overnight dormitory, limited medical supplies and other resource support as available.

Open to Public with encouragement to attend

Join via zoom:
Meeting ID: 853 0616 1140

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Stop the Bleed

Stop the Bleed

  • Nehalem Bay Fire & Rescue Sub Station (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Stop the Bleed

For MRC and CERTS volunteers: gain the ability to recognize life-threatening bleeding and act quickly and effectively to control bleeding once you learn three quick techniques

Contact for more information.

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Wilderness First Aid Course - REGISTRATION CLOSED!
to Aug 16

Wilderness First Aid Course - REGISTRATION CLOSED!

Registration is CLOSED.

How will you perform First Aid when you don't have all of the "stuff" and personnel??? This day-long class will give you ideas and training to give the best first aid when you find yourself in less than ideal conditions.

The class is limited to 18 participants

Class is 2 sessions:

Thursday, August 15, 8 am - 5 pm
Friday, August 16, 8 am - 5pm

Contact for more information.

Click the WAIT LIST NOW —> button below to submit a wait list request.

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NBMRC Education Series

NBMRC Education Series

  • Tillamook Adventist Hospital (Third floor, conference room A, B and C) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

MRC Orthopedic Update and MRC Clinic Surge Support Utilizing New Patient Intake Packets:

This is a hands-on training class for NBMRC, CBMRC, CERTS and NBFR on caring for orthopedic injuries using our existing supplies. In addition, you will learn how to use new emergency patient charts (Adventist Health) if we are called on to support the clinic in the event of a disaster.

Registration is not required.
Questions? Contact for more information.

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Disaster Preparedness for Pets

Disaster Preparedness for Pets

MRC is presenting this an education course with a presentation by Robert Kroll, DVM about preparing for and caring for your pets in case of emergency or disaster.
Did you know that EVCNB has a Disaster Preparedness for Pets Checklist? Click to view more information and the checklist.

Join the free Zoom Meeting:

Contact for more information.

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MRC and CERT Annual Education-HIPAA and Bloodborne Pathogens

MRC and CERT Annual Education-HIPAA and Bloodborne Pathogens

This meeting is Annual Education for EVCNB MRC & CERT Volunteers. CERT will do HIPAA and Bloodborne Pathogens update; MRC will do those two trainings plus additional required training topics.

All MRCs and CERTs are encouraged to attend.

Please register below, there are a limited number of seats.

Contact for more information.

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Caring for Children in Disasters

Caring for Children in Disasters

Dr Helen Miller, pediatrician and pediatric emergency physician, will speak on caring for children during disasters.

She developed and led the Disaster Medical Assistance Team representing Oregon in the National Disaster Medical System.

Contact with any questions.

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