New Leadership on EVCNB Board of Directors
At its January meeting, the EVCNB Board of Directors made several changes to the organization’s leadership.
The EVCNB Board of Directors announced the retirement of President Margaret Steele, M.D. and named Trish Johnson its new President. Brad Hart has been named Vice President.
Margaret Steele, M.D. has retired from the Board of Directors.
Margaret, who was President of the Boards for the past 4 years, has been a strong, tireless advocate for our organization. Partners and volunteers continue to appreciate her dedication and generous spirit.
Margaret has been a guiding force at EVCNB since its inception in 2008. Margaret and the other founders of the organization had the insight to know that North Coast citizens should be aware of and prepared for a variety of potential natural emergencies endemic to the area. A retired physician, Margaret began by harnessing the community’s existing medical organizations and medical volunteers to create a strong base from which EVCNB could grow.
And grow it has! Today, EVCNB boasts an organization chart encompassing areas of Community Preparedness, Prepare Your Neighborhood, Community Training, Emergency Communication, Emergency Response, Community Emergency Response Teams, Medical Reserve Corps, Shelter and Mass Care, with a volunteer roster of more than 100 individuals. It was their clear vision and leadership skills that helped Margaret and others stitch together a plan that is now a dynamic group with a broad and deep set of volunteers, skills, and resources. EVCNB is, in fact, a leader in our community, our region, and our state thanks to the unfailing work of so many dedicated people, including Dr. Margaret Steele.
Patricia “Trish” Johnson, PhD, has been named the new President of EVCNB.
Trish has been with EVCNB for 9 years and has served in a number of positions, including strategic planning, emergency food training, GoBag training, Prepare Your Neighborhood Lead for the Sunset-Meadow Neighborhood, and the Prepare Your Neighborhood Leadership Team. Trish is well known as an excellent group facilitator and has done pro bono work with several local nonprofit organizations. Trish has a long career in organizational development and she knows how well-functioning groups and teams should work. She will continue to help EVCNB volunteers and partners fit together synergistically as a well-functioning team that helps all citizens—volunteers and others—access the preparedness skills and systems that EVCNB has created. Trish will transition to the Presidency seamlessly and immediately.
Brad Hart has been named Vice President of the Board.
Brad started with the organization in 2020 in a technology and supporting role on the Communication and Outreach Team. He has gone over and above the basic communications duties of that team by building a number of internal systems that help all EVCNB groups work together more efficiently.
Brad played a key role in helping to develop the EVCNB website and, as one of its administrators, continues to make it a valuable tool to educate the community, help market and sell EVCNB classes and events, and give volunteers a direct portal of information and connectedness. Brad has created pathways through internal and external communication and social media that help make the organization an organic and vibrant entity.
Brad joined the Board of Directors as Project Director in 2023 and has already begun his duties as Vice President.