Neighborhood News — Q1 2024
Winter is a quiet season for our Clusters but Cluster leaders are working hard behind the scenes, planning social & educational events for their neighborhoods and tending emergency supplies.
For instance, the Sunset-Meadow Team met at our Shed and did a check of supplies and the condition of the Shed after the ice storm. Leader, Trish Johnson reported, “We conducted a thorough inventory, checked batteries, solar gear, and killed a lot of spiders (ick). We were pleased that everything was dry and in great working order. We developed a list of a few items to replace due to expiration dates and decided to add a few things to our inventory - new Wash supplies for example.”
The Lower Neahkahnie Cluster also enhanced their supplies! Thanks to their Cluster fundraising effort they reached their goal and purchased an Agua Munda emergency water filtration unit.
This unit will be stored in a secured area to augment recommended individual preparation in case of an extended emergency drinking water shortage. All residents and visitors alike are recommended to maintain GoBags with individual water straws and a minimum 3 day supply of drinking water. Households are recommended to maintain 200 gallons of drinking water and bucket filtration systems available at EVCNB's monthly PopUp Shop. In the case of a Cascadia earthquake we could be isolated here for a month or more. We're fortunate here to have likely access to stream, ground and rain water all of which will require filtration...thus the Agua Munda.
With this simple, durable, unit you can hand crank over 200 gallons of raw water through its filter per hour.
This system has been adopted by other neighborhoods here as well. And, it is the outcome of the efforts of the Kumpi Mayu Foundation to provide safe water to more challenged communities around the world. Please see this link for their story.
It wasn’t all behind-the-scenes work however! Bayside Gardens Cluster held a potluck in January. Neighbors heard a presentation from EVCNB’s Jo Cooper and Velda Handler then shared delicious food. More events are planned - stay tuned!
Velda Handler speaks to the Bayside Gardens Cluster audience with Jo Cooper
Bayside Gardens neighbors enjoying food and company
Finally, efforts are underway in a few neighborhoods to start (or restart) Clusters. If you want to help organize your neighborhood, or would like to learn more, contact