Volunteer Job Opening Prepare Your Neighborhood (PYN) Program Leader

Reports to the Community Preparedness Director.

The Prepare Your Neighborhood (PYN) Program organizes homes and neighborhoods to raise the level of readiness in the Nehalem Bay region.

PYN Leader leads the PYN Strategic Planning Team

The PYN Strategic Planning Team (SPT) provides coaching and best practices for existing Clusters and works to move the PYN program forward by developing new Clusters across the Nehalem Bay Region. Meets 6 times per year.

·       PYN Planning and SMART Goals

·       PYN Cluster Leader meeting planning

·       Develop standards and best practices for PYN organization, leadership, and Neighborhood Emergency Supplies and Tools (NEST) kits

·       Develop new Clusters

·       Coach newer Clusters (first 18-24 months)

·       Support struggling Clusters

Additional Responsibilities for PYN Leader

1.     Provide a forum for mutual support and development of Clusters and their Leadership Teams.

·       Meet 6 times per year to discuss key issues facing all Clusters

·       Share experiences about their Cluster’s meetings, drills, etc.

·       Share best practices and new ideas between Clusters

2.     Active voting member of the EVCNB Board. Attend monthly board meetings while in PYN Leader role.

If you are interested in this opportunity or have any questions, please contact:

Kris Campbell
Community Preparedness  Director
(253) 204-0141


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