News + Updates

Nehalem Bay Coastal Winter Weather Advisory

Nehalem Bay Coastal Winter Weather Advisory

The National Weather Service (NWS) has issued a Winter Storm Watch for our area. In a weather briefing today, the NWS-Portland stated that the coast and coast range have a good probability of light snow and freezing rain. Freezing rain is a very dangerous condition where utility and emergency response is delayed and extremely dangerous to our responders.

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Paul Knight “retires” from EVCNB

Paul Knight “retires” from EVCNB

EVCNB says a sad but grateful goodbye to Paul Knight as he and his wife Betsy move away from our area. For some time, Paul has been a key leader for emergency preparedness in Wheeler and he was the leader of the Wheeler Emergency Team for many years. Paul has represented Wheeler as the cluster leader for the Prepare Your Neighborhood program at EVCNB and he was a key person on the GoBag team for EVCNB, as well as Emergency Communications. Paul has been an effective advocate for the specific needs of Wheeler in terms of its topography, aging population, lower income citizens, and the presence of the Nehalem Bay Health Center.

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Are You Winter Storm Ready?

Are You Winter Storm Ready?

Here we are again going into the cold weather season when power outages should be on everyone’s radar. Strong winter winds and heavy rains can take a toll on power lines and plunge our homes into darkness. You can–and should–take steps now, before the lights start flickering.

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The Great ShakeOut

The Great ShakeOut

The earth didn’t move on October 19, 2023. Still, millions of people worldwide practiced an earthquake safety drill as part of the Great ShakeOut. In Oregon, it is estimated that more than 600,000 people practiced the “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” drill.

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EVCNB Website Upgraded!

EVCNB Website Upgraded!

In early November, EVCNB's website was upgraded! We took the opportunity to incorporate feedback we'd received since the last site launched in 2020. We hope these improvements make the site easy to use and will help you find what you need quickly.

Let us know what you think!

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Volunteer Spotlight: Karen Sarnaker

Volunteer Spotlight: Karen Sarnaker

Karen leads two important teams within EVCNB: Yellow Radio and GoBags. Under Karen’s leadership, the Yellow Radio program has seen a steady increase in trained radio users across the Nehalem Bay region. She has also had a major impact on the GoBag team's efforts, researching products, negotiating pricing and implementing the Pop-Up Shops that have been so successful in getting GoBags out into the community. Recently, Karen has been working to make GoBags more affordable without sacrificing quality. She’s also worked with local agencies to see that GoBags donated by EVCNB are distributed to home-bound seniors and others in need.

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Great ShakeOut Cluster Activity

Great ShakeOut Cluster Activity

The Great ShakeOut is an international event that happens in October. It encourages people to practice earthquake safety and evacuation. Several Clusters participated in the event this year, including Manzanita Beach, Middle Neahkahnie, Pine Ridge and Southside.

The Southside cluster took it a step further! Learn more…

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Volunteer Spotlight: Andy Barker + Julia Pomeroy</a>

Volunteer Spotlight: Andy Barker + Julia Pomeroy

Andy and Julia have been leaders for their Prepare Your Neighborhood Clusters, Southside and Highlanders, for several years.

Learn why they are so dedicated to their neighborhoods and the special considerations each has based on their location, in or out of the tsunami evacuation zone.

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EVCNB Team creates the TEAM Activation App</a>

EVCNB Team creates the TEAM Activation App

Remember the ad that claimed, “There’s an app for that!”? What happens when you need one that doesn’t exist? EVCNB needed a way to quickly target and message volunteers needed for an emergency. A talented team (pictured: John Beaston, Steve Case, Brad Hart and Mark Adamcin) made it happen. Steve Case tells us about the app and the team who developed it.

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Pine Ridge Cluster WaSH Drill

Pine Ridge Cluster WaSH Drill

The Pine Ridge neighborhood gathered for a practice drill. The WaSH station is an important component of their neighborhood's emergency cache and the drill was designed to familiarize residents with all the supplies available for water, sanitation, and hygiene in times of an emergency and/or disaster.

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